Created for you by

HR Justasoutherngentleman

Callname: Jack
Gender: Male
Color: UNKN
Owner: David Peden


HR Justasoutherngentleman HRCH Justatankardofcarolinaale ICH18 HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14 Mr. Bojangles
Princess Zoe By The Creek
HRCH UH Justasipofmoonshine UOCH18 HR Just Ducky's Justagentleman
Just Ducky's Justdothetwist (DkCHOC) SHR Justanothershotofwhiskey UICH15 HR UH Just Ducky's Justmyluck UICH04
Just Ducky's Go Go Dancer HRCH UH Jeff's True Luck Tucker PCH07
Just Duckys Gobabygo



Provided to you by Hunting Boykin Pedigree