Genetic Pedigree of SHR Celtic Isle Life Of Riley NCH19 / Genetic Pedigree of SHR Celtic Isle Life Of Riley NCH19

HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14

Hips: BY-1523G27M-VPI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL59M27-VPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-897 (CLEAR)
Mr. Bojangles
Waccamaw River's 12 Guage
Pawleys Island Sam
Marley Page Vereen
  Blair's Southern Belle
Lady's Ace Of Hearts
Princess Blair Barrett
Princess Zoe By The Creek
  Goose Pond Tinker
Hips: BY-788-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-781N (CLEAR)
Lesesne's Pride
Eyes: BYS-193
Eyes: BYS-267
SHR Chelsea By The Sea
Eyes: BYS-399N (CLEAR)
Sir Lot
Katie Gayla Larrimore

Celtic Isle Kaya's Irish Cream (DkCHOC)

Hips: BY-2066G24F-VPI (Good)
Elbows: BY-EL151F24-VPI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE73/31F-VPI (Normal)
EIC: 981020007398128 (Clear)
Show-Me Ruger
Hips: BY-1323F24M-VPI (Fair)
Elbows: BY-EL42M24-VPI (Normal)
Show-Me Buster
Hips: BY-625F
Eyes: BYS-355
Chocolate Chip Hunter
Eyes: BYS-271
Hips: BY-581F
Eyes: BYS-269
Nuf Ced Raven
Hips: BY-1012-G
Eyes: BYS-534N
Rock'n Creek Bird Boy
Hips: BY-482G24M
Eyes: BYS-217
Wc Cotie Roo
Hips: BY-410G
Eyes: BYS-191
Sierra Brown Smith
Sir Buster Brown Cockrell
Captain Ko-Ko
Thompson's Ginger Ellie
Haley Smith
Allsup's Alabama Rusty

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin Pedigree database is shown.