Genetic Pedigree of Charly Bama Brown / Genetic Pedigree of Charly Bama Brown

Cox's Covey Chico

Newman's Sir Luke
Lanier's Tate Cocoa
Jalapa's Tate
Gener Rogers
  Triple T. Alli
Triple T Winchester
Triple T Tara
Arnette's Busy Lizzie
 Amette's Crash
Crumptonia Smokey
Hips: BY-460G
Crumptonia Thumper
Rod's Ko-ko
Captain Ko-Ko
Thompson's Ginger Ellie

First Choice Kate

All Tucked Out
Silvestre Little Jake
Silvestre Lex Luther
Hips: BY-332G
Eyes: BYS-131
Silvestre Meleagris
Hips: BY-275F
Eyes: BYS-132
Seminole Boo
Ford's Colonel Mosby
Ford's Jasmine
Shugafoot Of Chewacla
Echol's Western Edisto
Vamaro's Red Man
Vamaro's Hershey Girl Too
Rowdy’s Pie Coco
C.L.’s Rowdy
Ebac's Chocolate Pie

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin Pedigree database is shown.