Genetic Pedigree of BabyWontYouCarryMeBackToTN / Genetic Pedigree of BabyWontYouCarryMeBackToTN

HRCH Southern Mermaids Thats My Boy (DkCHOC)

Hips: BY-3417G24M-NOPI
Elbows: Normal
EIC: Clear
HRCH Cash Is King MHR (LVR)
Hips: BY-2544E24M-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL339M24-VPI
Show Me Duke
Hips: BY-1814F24M-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL87M24-VPI
Eyes: BYS-354502
Show-Me Sam Bo (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-1676E
Eyes: BYS-892
Show-Me Cookie Dough
Hips: BY-1195G31F-PI
Eyes: BYS-536
  Madison's Abby Ray
Hips: BY-1804G24F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1069
Rock'n Creek Ruben
Hips: BY-1049G24M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-509N
SHR Shadow Bend Gabe's Gabrielle
Hips: BY-1412F27F-PI
Eyes: BYS-979N
HRCH Wrecker's Southern Mermaid MHR (LVR)
Hips: BY-2240G29F-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE309/39F-VPI
 HRCH Justahomewrecker PCH05 UICH06 NCH06 UOCH08
Hips: BY-1186-F (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-810 (CLEAR)
Rock'n Creek Webster
Hips: BY-664-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-511N (CLEAR)
HR Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy NCH04
Hips: BY-912-G
Eyes: BYS-418
Remington Steele
Hips: BY-1844E24F-VPI
Tennessee Whiskey
Hips: BY-1551G24M-VPI
Hips: BY-907G24F-PI

SBR Price's Southern Cotton (DkCHOC)

EIC: Clear
Ssk's Midnight Ryder Price
Ssk Remington Steele Sanders
Walker Winston Padgett's
Leslie's Lola Lois Padgett's
Ssk Dixie Sanders
C K Skip
Hips: BY-1227F32M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1047
Ssk Mocha Sanders
Ssk's Catch A Rowe Price
Ssk Rhett Lee Sanders
Green Acres Colonial Lee
Hips: BY-2089G24M-PI
Eyes: BY-EYE340/49M-VPI
Green Acres Thelma
Hips: BY-1849G27F-VPI
Ssk Java Sanders
Watson Augustus Miller
Carolina Daisy

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin Pedigree database is shown.