Genetic Pedigree of Rainbow's Sandy

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Rainbow's Sandy

Dogwood's Defuniak Luke
Josie Hicks
Sir Buster Brown Cockrell
Captain Ko-Ko
Thompson's Ginger Ellie
Slipnot Grady R.
Hips: BY-416-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-285 (CLEAR)
Tennessee's Edisto Ellie
  Arnette's Alabama Cocoa
Hips: BY-812G49F-NOPI
Arnette's Crash
Crumptonia Smokey
Hips: BY-460G
Crumptonia Thunder
Edisto Lady M
Edisto Butler
Edisto Curly
  Arnette's Brown Sugar
Hips: BY-794F39F-NOPI
  Rutland's Benagain
Rutland's Sam
Pooshee's Box Of Chocolates
Pooshee's Cricket
Rutland's Little K D
Rutland's Ben
Gunsmoke's Dove Machine
Cocoa Marie
Gunsmoke's Charlie Brown
Rutland's Ben
Gunsmoke's Dove Machine
Lizzie Beth Dye
Tobey Dye
Tompkin's Tasha


Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Colonial Hershey
Hips: BY-1025G
Eyes: BYS-1021
SHR Pocotaligo's Camo PCH97
Hips: BY-495F
Eyes: BYS-248
HR UH Sydney of Woodbine ICH97
Hips: BY-346G24M (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-165 E-Lens
Bogie's Delivery
Hips: BY-206F80M (FAIR)
Jane Of Dutchfork (Edisto Jane)
Hips: BY-171G37F (good)
Pocotaligo's Pony
Hips: BY-294F24F
Mosley's Thunder
Hips: BY-121G24M
Sadie's Hope
Hips: BY-252F26F
Bridgeway's Fla Moly Too
Hips: BY-514G
Dovewood's Woody
Hips: BY-254F24M
Eyes: BYS-116
Bigg McEeDuzz
Goose Pond Peg
Florida's Anee Roonee
Hips: BY-226-G
WR Socks ICH89
Hips: BY-199-F (Fair)
Efird's Ethel
Hips: BY-188F59F
Arnette's Alabama Cocoa
Hips: BY-812G49F-NOPI
Arnette's Crash
Crumptonia Smokey
Hips: BY-460G
Edisto Wateree Doc
Edisto Sally
Hips: BY-258F
Crumptonia Thunder
Edisto Mule
Edisto Lady M
Edisto Butler
Edisto Spud
Hips: BY-168F24M
Brandy Triever
Edisto Curly
Edisto Mule
Edisto Lula