Genetic Pedigree of Maggie May II Mags

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Maggie May II Mags

CK Skip
Hips: BY-1227F32M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1047
Spring Hill Lucky
Scape'Ore Rocky
Charlie B
Hips: BY-368-E31M
Eyes: BYS-236
Carolina's Running Bandit
Hips: BY-195-G35M
Little Cricket PCH88
Burnt Gin Emma
Hips: BY-360F49F
Taw Caw Mick
Taw Caw Mist
  Scape'Ore Scarlett
Scape'Ore Ernie
Chip (Newman)
Scape'Ore Bee
Blooming Rosebud
Hips: BY-480G29F
Lynnbill's Rowdy Rusty
  Spring Hill Bubbles
  Show-Me Peanut Butter (LVR)
Spring Hill Rusty
Scape'Ore Ernie
Scape'Ore Girlee
Spring Hill Tiny
Scott's Brandy
Spring Hill Vi
Scape'Ore Ernie
Chip (Newman)
Scape'Ore Bee
Scape'Ore Girlee
Maxwell Smart
Kilgore's Shugga Rae
Hips: BY-203-G


Molly May I - Yes You Can
unknown unknown unknown unknown
unknown unknown
unknown unknown unknown
unknown unknown
Altamaha's Halley Belle
Hips: BY-1013F30F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-558N
Coopers Taz
Crumptonia Smokey
Hips: BY-460G
Edisto Wateree Doc
Edisto Sally
Hips: BY-258F
Crumptonia Thumper
Edisto Mule
Edisto June
Ginger Sadie Z
Chocolate Z
Chocofactory Willie Wonka
Princess Cocoa
Savannah's Sister Sadie
Brickyard's Brownie
Arrowhead's Lady