Genetic Pedigree of Miss Daisy Mae Too

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Miss Daisy Mae Too

Nat's Last Legacy O'Palmetto
Hips: BY-509G25M (Good)
Eyes: BYS-274
Charlie B
Hips: BY-368-E31M
Eyes: BYS-236
Carolina's Running Bandit
Hips: BY-195-G35M
Charlie Brown
Cricket OCH80
Brandy Brooks Withers
Bo Duke Reel
Daisy Mae Reel
  Little Cricket PCH88
Duke (Gist)
Boss Man Gist
Lucky (Gist)
Cricket OCH80
Sambo (Gist)
  Drew's Lonesome Dove
Hips: BY-297G26F (Good)
Eyes: BYS-195
  Edisto Pete
Hips: BY-208-G24M
Edisto Wateree Doc
Edisto Dutchman
Hips: BY-4-G
Edisto Mollie Bee
Autumn Star
Samantha's Little Gypsy
Sargent's Cocoa Candy
unknown unknown
unknown unknown


Baby Ruth
HR Mr. Mick O CH98
Dixie Blair OCH94 OCH95 ICH90
Dynamite (Alessandro)
Hips: BY-16-T
Woody's Dixie
Greywood Woody OCH83
Greywood Ladybug
Lady Megg
Pooshee's Wade Hampton OCH87 OCH86 PCH84
Pooshee's Buckshot
Pooshee's B. G. II
Pooshee's Bo Derek NCH86
Rebel OCH84
Pooshee's Sweet Babu
Brandi Boop
Cain Branch Moody
Hubba Bubba ICH93, OCH96
Freeman Dixie Lady
Tara-Anne Vernon Merritt
Hips: BY-304G83F (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-170 (TESTED: 96)
Edisto Luke
Hips: BY-52-F
Brandy Lee
Hips: BY-119-G
Simons Edisto Irma
Hips: BY-350G32F (Good)
Woody Of Ravenwood
Black River Buster
Black River Brittany
Edisto Brandywine
Edisto Hobo
Carolina Belle