Genetic Pedigree of A Lady Named Sadie

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of A Lady Named Sadie

Twisted Oak's Tanker (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3261G46M-PI (Good)
Elbows: BY-EL762M46-PI (Normal)
Duc Dogs Diago
Hoss Of Tattnall
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Twisted Creek's Drake ICH00
Hips: BY-570G25M (GOOD)
HR Just Ducky's Justasample PCH98
Hips: BY-535G28F-T (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-308 (NORMAL)
Lady Thelma Parker
Hips: BY-1449G
Sterling Foster Tobias
Lady Ariana Marchella
  Bailey Of Tattnall
Toby Dew Huckaby
Charlie Of Dew Drop
Sassy Sweetheart
Mollie Girl
Rhino Jake
Swamp Jazz
 Dogwoods "mister D"
Dogwoood's Defuniak's Luke
Josie Hicks
Arnette's Brown Sugar
Hips: BY-794F39F-NOPI
Dogwood's Crystal
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Dogwoods Pearl D&b
Dogwood's Blaze
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood's Jewell
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Colonial Hershey
Hips: BY-1025G
Eyes: BYS-1021
Arnette's Alabama Cocoa
Hips: BY-812G49F-NOPI


Twisted Oak's Cynder (DkCHOC)
Daddy's Cup Of Jo
Biscuit Phillips
Hips: BY-1738G40M-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE260/92M-VPI
Corky Man Hayes
Dyanna's Curly Man
Haye's Darling Ladie
Gabbie Hayes
Rhino Jake
Swamp Jazz
Little Rooster's Ginger
Little Rooster Johnson
Scrape'ore Ernie
Little Jada Motes
Rosie Johnson
Sophie's Lil Belle
Sir Luke Of Laurelwood
Good Ole Deets
Rainbow's Milo
Hips: BY-696G24M-PI (GOOD)
Jasmine Of Rainbow
Hips: BY-892F33F-PI (FAIR)
Carolina Sassy Jazz
Wayne's Sport
Wayne's Sassy A.
Ryleigh's Anna Belle
Lanier's Tate Cocoa
Jalapa's Tate
Gener Rogers
Triple T. Alli
Triple T Winchester
Triple T Tara