Genetic Pedigree of Pedro Jinks

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Pedro Jinks

SHR Full Strap Jax (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3025FM-vpi
Elbows: BY-EL619M55-VPI
Just Doug's Ace (LVR)
Hips: BY-2041G38M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-378617
HR Just Ducky's Hot To Trot
Hips: BY-1553G24M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-868
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Twisted Creek's Drake ICH00
Hips: BY-570G25M (GOOD)
HR Just Ducky's Justasample PCH98
Hips: BY-535G28F-T (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-308 (NORMAL)
HR Salem Farms Just Hot Ash
Hips: BY-1074G24F-PI
Eyes: BYS-776
HRCH Just Ducky's Bookmark
Hips: BY-990G (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-394 (CLEAR)
Just Ducky's Just2Hot2Handle
Hips: BY-899F24F-NOPI (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-447 A3-Eyelids, distichiasis
  Cedarway Justasmoothoperator
Hips: BY-1568G25F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1054
SHR Just Ducky's Justaslamdunk
Eyes: BYS-770
Rock'n Creek Paco AX OAJ
Hips: BY-679F
Eyes: BYS-652
HR Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy NCH04
Hips: BY-912-G
Eyes: BYS-418
Cedarway Cloie
Hips: BY-917F
Eyes: BYS-495
Cotton Grove Pete
Hips: BY-626F32M-PI
Burn's Bird Hunter
  JPW's Reese (LVR)
  Rocky-D (LVR)
Lady's Tramp (LVR)
Sarahsetter's Benne
Hips: BY-799G50M-NOPI (GOOD)
Anheuser Busch
Hips: BY-839G24F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-573N
Lady's War Eagle
Daisy-D (LVR)
Fish's Duck Gumbo (LVR)
Jasmine Caroline Timmerman (LVR)
Sarahsetter's Benne
Hips: BY-799G50M-NOPI (GOOD)


Ally Girl Of The Bayou State (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-2827G26M-VPI
EIC: Clear (2 copies of normal allele)
Will-do's Little Tank
Hips: BY-2653G39M-NOPI (Good)
Eyes: BY-EYE1000/72M-VPI (Normal)
HR UH Fist Full Of Dollars MH NCH05
Hips: BY-1163F24M-NOPI (Fair)
Eyes: BYS-709
HRCH UH Darby's Teal Boy OCH07 UICH05 ICH04
Hips: BY-824G24M-PI
Elbows: BY-EL16M24-PI
Eyes: BYS-431
Mr. Bojangles
Gabrellia Sarcomo
SHR Creek Boat Sailor
Hips: BY-896G24F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-468N
Goose Pond Malcolm
Hips: BY-326G27M (Good)
Eyes: BYS-467 (Clear)
Ms. Molly O
Hips: BY-722G
HR Bryan's Santee Delta Sunrise ICH10
Hips: BY-1701G
Lock Haven's Boss Man
Stonesboro Crazy Zach
Stoneboro's Sassy Molly
Lady Thelma Parker
Hips: BY-1449G
Sterling Foster Tobias
Lady Ariana Marchella
Green Acres Cherry
Hips: BY-2811F26F-PI (Fair)
Bo Duke Manders
Hips: BY-2036G24M-NOPI
Caleb's Hershey Bar
Biscuit Phillips
Hips: BY-1738G40M-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE260/92M-VPI
Little Rooster's Ginger
Jacob's Ladybug
Nancy's Sammie
Nancy's Saddie
Daisy Dutchess Manders
Hips: BY-1977G28F-NOPI
West's Hogan's Hero "Hogan"
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit
Hips: BY-1152E24M-PI (Excellent)
Eyes: BYS-736
Vader's Babe
Hips: BY-1248G
Eyes: BYS-813
Delta Atwell
Frog Pond Buddy
Hips: BY-999G24M-PI
Eyes: BYS-595
Frog Ponds Lucie
Hips: BY-1026F
Eyes: BYS-594