Genetic Pedigree of Wedgewood's Dead Pool

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Wedgewood's Dead Pool

HRCH UH Hudson River Zeke (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3382G42M-NOPI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL841M42-NOPI (NORMAL)
EIC: Clear
HRCH Hudson River Drake OCH15
Hips: BY-2093G24M-VPI(Good)
Elbows: BY-EL159M24-VPI(Normal)
Just A Georgia Cowboy
HRCH UH Buckeye's Kickin It Up a Notch
Hips: BY-1307F40M-PI (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-647(06,09)
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Coco's Cleopatra
Hips: BY-822(FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-465N (04)
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justhavealittlefaith
Hips: BY-1378G
Eyes: BYS-760
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit
Hips: BY-1152E24M-PI (Excellent)
Eyes: BYS-736
Hips: BY-1080G
Eyes: BYS-460
 SHR Shady Acres Jasmine
Hips: BY-1783G(GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE70/56F-VPI(BREEDER OPTIONS A3:Distichiasis)
Bogey Ted Moore
Shim Sham Allen
Kirkland's Miss Misty
Dixie Lynn Moore
Spring Hill Lucky
Spring Hill Bubbles
 HRCH Hide And Seek Heidi (LVR)
Hips: BY-2589G25F-VPI (Good)
Elbows: BY-EL366F25-VPI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE540/26F-VPI
EIC: BY-EIC195/4F-PI (Clear)
 HR Show-me Jeb Stuart MH JHR
Hips: BY-1931G
Elbows: BY-EL102
Eyes: BY-EYE29
Show-Me Sam Bo (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-1676E
Eyes: BYS-892
Linda's Storm Chaser
Hips: BY-1321G
Eyes: BY-EYE20
Colonial Lily Pad
Hips: BY-1245G
Eyes: BYS-658
Show-Me Priss Pot
Hips: BY-1196F
Eyes: BYS-649N
Show-Me Buster
Hips: BY-625F
Eyes: BYS-355
Show-Me Baby Ruth
Hips: BY-857G
Eyes: BYS-452
Altamahas Justhavealittlefaith (LVR)
Hips: BY-1479G24F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE131/80F-NOPI (CLEAR)
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit
Hips: BY-1152E24M-PI (Excellent)
Eyes: BYS-736
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Shelby's Nipper
Hips: BY-714G27F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-419N
Hips: BY-1080G
Eyes: BYS-460
Sarahsetter's Benne
Hips: BY-799G50M-NOPI (GOOD)
Just Ducky's Justimagine
Hips: BY-1053G55F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-347N (TESTED: 01,09)


HRCH UH Jack's Babe (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3549G30F-VPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE-1334/31F-VPI (Normal W/ Breeder Options)
EIC: BY-EIC785/32F-PI (Normal)
Kj Just The Babe Masterbilt (LVR)
Hips: 3057G34M-VPI Good
Eyes: EYE723/18M-VPI Clear
EIC: Clear
6xGRHRCH UH Brandywine Stonewalls Gallant Pelham MH MHR UOCH16 OCH16, 18, 20
Hips: BY-1914G24M-VPI
EIC: BY-EIC150/67M-VPI (Clear)
GRHRCH UH Richland Stonewall Jackson MH MHR OCH11, 13 UOCH15
Hips: BY-1379G24M-PI (Good)
Eyes: BYS-966
HR Gabriel Maxwell Of Buckhead
Hips: BY-801G29M-NOPI (Good)
HR Just Ducky's First Edition
Hips: BY-928G29F (Good)
Eyes: BYS-533
HRCH UH Brandywines Till The Next Time
Hips: BY-1505G-24F
Eyes: BYS-844N
Mossy Oak's Cutty
Hips: BY-517G25M (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-256
WC NC SM LC Big Sky's Bessie Wayne
Hips: BY-773F24F-PI(FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-455
EIC: BY-EIC32/115F-VPI (normal)
HRCH UH Kj Just Cinnamon And Spice MHR
Hips: BY-1829G (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE140 (CLEAR)
HRCH Justahomewrecker PCH05 UICH06 NCH06 UOCH08
Hips: BY-1186-F (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-810 (CLEAR)
Rock'n Creek Webster
Hips: BY-664-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-511N (CLEAR)
HR Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy NCH04
Hips: BY-912-G
Eyes: BYS-418
Justaquickerpickerupper (LVR)
Hips: BY-1446E24F-PI (EXCELLENT)
Eyes: BYS-862 (CLEAR)
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
HR Just Ducky's Miss Edgefield
Hips: BY-1078G25F-PI (GOOD)
Dogwoods "mister D"
Dogwoood's Defuniak's Luke
Josie Hicks
Arnette's Brown Sugar
Hips: BY-794F39F-NOPI
Dogwood's Crystal
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Dogwoods Pearl D&b
Dogwood's Blaze
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood's Jewell
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Colonial Hershey
Hips: BY-1025G
Eyes: BYS-1021
Arnette's Alabama Cocoa
Hips: BY-812G49F-NOPI