Genetic Pedigree of Wedgewood's I am Groot

Below is the 5 Generation Pedigree With Genetic results.

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin database is shown.  Some results may not be entered therefore they will not be shown below.

Pedigree of Wedgewood's I am Groot

HRCH UH Hudson River Zeke (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3382G42M-NOPI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL841M42-NOPI (NORMAL)
EIC: Clear
HRCH Hudson River Drake OCH15
Hips: BY-2093G24M-VPI(Good)
Elbows: BY-EL159M24-VPI(Normal)
Just A Georgia Cowboy
HRCH UH Buckeye's Kickin It Up a Notch
Hips: BY-1307F40M-PI (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-647(06,09)
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Coco's Cleopatra
Hips: BY-822(FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-465N (04)
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justhavealittlefaith
Hips: BY-1378G
Eyes: BYS-760
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit
Hips: BY-1152E24M-PI (Excellent)
Eyes: BYS-736
Hips: BY-1080G
Eyes: BYS-460
 SHR Shady Acres Jasmine
Hips: BY-1783G(GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE70/56F-VPI(BREEDER OPTIONS A3:Distichiasis)
Bogey Ted Moore
Shim Sham Allen
Kirkland's Miss Misty
Dixie Lynn Moore
Spring Hill Lucky
Spring Hill Bubbles
 HRCH Hide And Seek Heidi (LVR)
Hips: BY-2589G25F-VPI (Good)
Elbows: BY-EL366F25-VPI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE540/26F-VPI
EIC: BY-EIC195/4F-PI (Clear)
 HR Show-me Jeb Stuart MH JHR
Hips: BY-1931G
Elbows: BY-EL102
Eyes: BY-EYE29
Show-Me Sam Bo (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-1676E
Eyes: BYS-892
Linda's Storm Chaser
Hips: BY-1321G
Eyes: BY-EYE20
Colonial Lily Pad
Hips: BY-1245G
Eyes: BYS-658
Show-Me Priss Pot
Hips: BY-1196F
Eyes: BYS-649N
Show-Me Buster
Hips: BY-625F
Eyes: BYS-355
Show-Me Baby Ruth
Hips: BY-857G
Eyes: BYS-452
Altamahas Justhavealittlefaith (LVR)
Hips: BY-1479G24F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE131/80F-NOPI (CLEAR)
SHR Just Ducky's Justbelieveit
Hips: BY-1152E24M-PI (Excellent)
Eyes: BYS-736
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
Shelby's Nipper
Hips: BY-714G27F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-419N
Hips: BY-1080G
Eyes: BYS-460
Sarahsetter's Benne
Hips: BY-799G50M-NOPI (GOOD)
Just Ducky's Justimagine
Hips: BY-1053G55F-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-347N (TESTED: 01,09)


HRCH UH Jack's Babe (DkCHOC)
Hips: BY-3549G30F-VPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE-1334/31F-VPI (Normal W/ Breeder Options)
EIC: BY-EIC785/32F-PI (Normal)
Kj Just The Babe Masterbilt (LVR)
Hips: 3057G34M-VPI Good
Eyes: EYE723/18M-VPI Clear
EIC: Clear
6xGRHRCH UH Brandywine Stonewalls Gallant Pelham MH MHR UOCH16 OCH16, 18, 20
Hips: BY-1914G24M-VPI
EIC: BY-EIC150/67M-VPI (Clear)
GRHRCH UH Richland Stonewall Jackson MH MHR OCH11, 13 UOCH15
Hips: BY-1379G24M-PI (Good)
Eyes: BYS-966
HR Gabriel Maxwell Of Buckhead
Hips: BY-801G29M-NOPI (Good)
HR Just Ducky's First Edition
Hips: BY-928G29F (Good)
Eyes: BYS-533
HRCH UH Brandywines Till The Next Time
Hips: BY-1505G-24F
Eyes: BYS-844N
Mossy Oak's Cutty
Hips: BY-517G25M (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-256
WC NC SM LC Big Sky's Bessie Wayne
Hips: BY-773F24F-PI(FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-455
EIC: BY-EIC32/115F-VPI (normal)
HRCH UH Kj Just Cinnamon And Spice MHR
Hips: BY-1829G (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-EYE140 (CLEAR)
HRCH Justahomewrecker PCH05 UICH06 NCH06 UOCH08
Hips: BY-1186-F (FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-810 (CLEAR)
Rock'n Creek Webster
Hips: BY-664-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-511N (CLEAR)
HR Just Ducky's Ubetyourbippy NCH04
Hips: BY-912-G
Eyes: BYS-418
Justaquickerpickerupper (LVR)
Hips: BY-1446E24F-PI (EXCELLENT)
Eyes: BYS-862 (CLEAR)
GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09
Hips: BY-761G24M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-459 TESTED: 03,08,10 (CLEAR)
HR Just Ducky's Miss Edgefield
Hips: BY-1078G25F-PI (GOOD)
Dogwoods "mister D"
Dogwoood's Defuniak's Luke
Josie Hicks
Arnette's Brown Sugar
Hips: BY-794F39F-NOPI
Dogwood's Crystal
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Dogwoods Pearl D&b
Dogwood's Blaze
Dogwoods Hunter
Dogwood's Jewell
Dogwood Diamond Shelby's Pick
Colonial Hershey
Hips: BY-1025G
Eyes: BYS-1021
Arnette's Alabama Cocoa
Hips: BY-812G49F-NOPI