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  Pedigree of SHR GCHS CH Thornhill's Amberfield Surfs Up RA JH JHR BCAT DS DJ FTN NR
SHR GCHS CH Thornhill's Amberfield Surfs Up RA JH JHR BCAT DS DJ FTN NR

Images not showing.

Callname: Bodhi
Gender: Male
Color: DkCHOC
Whelp Date: 9/17/2018
Owner: Beth Crocker & Leslie Kern
Breeder: Leslie Kern

BSS Reg: BSR036280
UKC Reg: R285-170
UKC Points: 20
AKC reg: SS09296801
AKC DNA: V969060
Hips: BY-3529G25M-VPI
OFA Elbow: BY-EL925M25-VPI
PRA: BY-P4-213/32M-PI
Cardiac: BY-BCA35/26M/C-VPI
DM: BY-DM769/32M-PI
Other Health Certifications:
CEA - Carrier
DM - Clear
EIC - Clear
PRA - Clear

CHIC#: 159605

Other Qualifications or Notes:
BSS Nationals Record:

2021 - Novice Retriever Finalist
2021 - Novice Upland Finalist
2020 - Novice Retriever Finalist

Winter 2025 - Bodhi earns his Grand Champion Silver title at the Clemson Kennel Club, while going BOB and OHBOB over a nice entry!

Fall 2024 - Bodhi earns a 4th Placement at the Oct. CBSRC field Trial and a JAM at the Dec. field trial. Bodhi also qualified for the National Owner Handled Series Finals in Orlando FL - Invitations sent out to the Top 10 owner Handled in every breed.

Spring 2024 - Bodhi earns his Rally Advanced title! And he also earned a JAM at the Spring CBSRC field Trial.

Spring 2023 - Bodhi earned a JAM placement at the CBSRC Field Trial in the Novice Stakes.

Winter 2023 - Bodhi goes 3/3 to earn his Rally Intermediate title.

Summer 2022 - Bodhi goes Select Dog at the Westminster Dog show in Tarrytown, NY - June 22, 2022! Bodhi also earned his BSS Novice Retriever title in August going 4/4.

Winter 2022 - Bodhi earned his Rally Novice Title and his AKC Junior Hunter title for flushing spaniels. Bodhi has also been recognized as earning the AKC Owner Handler Bronze designation with Beth or Leslie on the end of the lead with him! This designation is based upon the accumulation of 250 points in the Owner Handler series of conformation events.

Fall/Winter 2021 - Bodhi was #1 Boykin Spaniel in Breed Points from Sept - Dec and earned an invitation to the Westminster Kennel Club show in 2022.

Spring 2021 - Bodhi was one of 20 dogs to complete the Novice Series at the BSS Nationals in April 2021 (out of over 80 dogs entered). This is the third National event in 6 months that he has completed the full series.

Winter 2021 update:Bodhi completed all 4 series of the Novice Division of the BSS Upland National Field Trial Jan. 16-17, 2021 in Ayden, NC. Bodhi also earned passes towards his AKC Upland Junior Hunter Retriever title!!!

Fall 2020 update: Bodhi made it to the final series in the BSS Novice National Retriever Trial. In addition, he earned his AKC Junior Hunter Retriever title and has earned one pass towards his AKC Junior Hunter upland title.

Summer 2020 Update: at 22 mos. old, Bodhi earned his Grand Championship title in the show ring in July and in August he earned his Started Hunting Retriever title at Music City HRC.

For the 2020 Dock Diving Season, Bodhi has earned his Senior Dock Diving title with a personal best jump of 18'2"!

Bodhi has also earned his first 2 Started title passes at the CBSRC test in June 2020.

On Feb. 11, 2020, Bodhi was awarded Best of Breed by Judge Michael Faulkner at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York City. Bodhi was 16 months old and is the youngest Boykin Spaniel to be awarded Best of Breed at Westminster and was one of the youngest dogs competing in the Sporting Group.

Bodhi earned his conformation Championship title and his Dock Diving Junior title on the same day, Sept. 1, 2019 at 11 months old.

Microchip # 985113002198337 
**Want to check some of the health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website (opens in new window & search based on Dog's name)***
Paw Print Pedigrees (opens in new window & search based Registration number)***


SHR GCHS CH Thornhill's Amberfield Surfs Up RA JH JHR BCAT DS DJ FTN NR HRCH Thornhills Broad River Buddy Boy
Eyes: BY-EYE424/22M-VPI
Patella: BY-PA567/25M/P-VPI
HRCH Gpr's Sherriff Hazzard Co Roscoe SHR
Hips: BY-2002G25M-VPI
Eyes: BYS-375483
Patella: BY-PA232/46M/P-VPI
Heart: BY-CA678/24M/S-VPI
Tennessee Jigger
Hips: BY-1649F
GCH CH HRCH Thornhills Sula Of Heronwyck SHR SH
Hips: BY-2091F24F-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL158F24-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE51/43F-VPI
Patella: BY-PA185/24F/P-VPI
Heart: BY-CA737/24F/P-VPI
GCH CH SHR UH Pocotaligo's Swamp Fox MH JHR
Hips: BY-1708G
Eyes: BYS-374654

Heart: BY-CA608
CH SHR Tugtown Bellini Belle
Eyes: BYS-740
Patella: BY-PA62
Heart: BY-CA423
HR Thornhills Surfer Girl SHR
Hips: BY-2709E40F-VPI
Elbows: BY-E
Eyes: BY-EYE185/9F-NOPI
CEA: BY-CEA482/43F-Pl
DM: BY-DM495/43F-PI
HR Brandywine's Special Cut
Hips: BY-1669G24M-VPI
HR UH Ceasarcreek Crown Charlie MH UO
Hips: BY-974G28M-NOPI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-567
HRCH UH Brandywines Chocolate Covered Cherry UICH07 ICH09
Hips: BY-1256G24F-VPI (GOOD)esid
Heart: BY-CA285/32F/P-VPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-673
EIC: BY-EIC33/65F-VPI (normal)
SHR Carolina Magics Matalin Marie
Hips: BY-2135G75F-NOPI
Elbows: BY-EL175F75-NOPI
Heart: BY-CA402/26F/C-NOPI
Carolina Magic Remi
Hips: BY-1038G26M-PI
Heart: BY-CA106/13M/C-PI
Eyes: BYS-498
Carolina Magic Ruby
Hips: BY-980G24F-PI
Heart: BY-CA103/17F/C-PI
Eyes: BYS-497




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--Detailed 4 Generation Pedigree
--Sibling List - with title counts
--Inbreeding Coefficient page


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