Callname: Goose Gender: Male Color: LVR Whelp Date: 3/25/2023 Owner: Geoffrey Steffens Breeder: Valley Way Kennels Michael Barnes
BSS Reg: BSR046094LP UKC Reg: R329664 UKC Points: 20 Eye CERF/CAER: BY-EYE2146/15M-VPI (Normal) EIC: Normal (Clear) Cardiac: BY-BCA931/13M/P-VPI DM: Normal (Clear) CEA: Carrier Other Health Certifications: CDDY with IVDD NORMAL (Clear)-NO CDDY or increased IVDD Risk
**Want to check some of the health clearances of this dog:
OFA Website
(opens in new window & search based on Dog's name)*** Paw Print Pedigrees(opens in new window & search based Registration number)***
SHR Valley Way Talk To Me Goose
HR South Georgias Waylon Ray Hips: BY-2718G24M-VPI (Normal) Eyes: BY-EYE722/29M-PI (Normal) Heart: BY-CA1342/33M/P-VPI (Good)
HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14 Hips: BY-1523G27M-VPI (GOOD) PennHip: DI-R .55 DI-L .60 Elbows: BY-EL59M27-VPI (NORMAL) Eyes: BYS-897 (CLEAR) Patella: BY-PA240/88M/P-VPI (NORMAL Heart: BY-CA335/19M/P-VPI (NORMAL) EIC: BY-EIC16/39M-VPI (CLEAR)
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