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SHR T-boy's First Pirogue

Callname: Pirogue
Gender: Male
Color: UNKN


SHR T-boy's First Pirogue HRCH UH Buckeye's Kickin It Up a Notch GRHRCH UH Just Ducky's Justforkicks OCH06, 08, 09 Twisted Creek's Drake ICH00
HR Just Ducky's Justasample PCH98
Coco's Cleopatra Jalapa's Tate
Co Co Katie
River's Turn Southern Georgia Girl HRCH Holland Ridge's Jeb Stuart HR Edisto Rebel Colonel
Just Cricket
HR UH H And P's Naughty Girl Belle HRCH UH Fancy's Mighty Samson OCH04, 05 UOCH05
H and P's Little Annie



Provided to you by Hunting Boykin Pedigree