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Kj Just A Wild West Calamity

Callname: Tessie
Gender: Female
Color: LVR
Whelp Date: 3/18/2017
Owner: Christopher Benner
Breeder: Kim Smith

UKC Reg: R270-460
AKC reg: SR98464302


Kj Just A Wild West Calamity HRCH Hudson River Drake OCH15 Just A Georgia Cowboy HRCH UH Buckeye's Kickin It Up a Notch
HRCH UH Just Ducky's Justhavealittlefaith
SHR Shady Acres Jasmine Bogey Ted Moore
Dixie Lynn Moore
HR UH KJ Just Chamomile Hunts For Thrill HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14 Mr. Bojangles
Princess Zoe By The Creek
HRCH UH Kj Just Cinnamon And Spice MHR HRCH Justahomewrecker PCH05 UICH06 NCH06 UOCH08
Justaquickerpickerupper (LVR)



Provided to you by Hunting Boykin Pedigree