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hunting boykin pedigree
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  Latte Drogo

Updated: 2/10/2025

Litter Announcement:
Latte Drogo
Location: Tennessee


Contact information
Owner: Jennifer Jordan
*Price: Please call for Prices OR see below Phone: 4232808210
*Please note: some litter owners may have different Email: HillCreek.Kennels@gmail.com
prices based on color or sex, please read below Website:sites.google.com/view/hill-creek-kennels/home

Other Information about litter:
All Clear Repeat Tri-registered litter. HRCH Bloodlines on both Sire & Dam. Call/Text or Email for further details


Pedigree:    NEW: View 5 Generation Pedigree
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Latte Drogo Cavern HCK Drogo
Hips: BY-4567G24M-C-VPI (GOOD)
Patella: BY-PA2083/24M/P-VPI(NORMAL)
Heart: BY-BCA988/24M/P-VPI (NORMAL)
CEA: BY-CEA1185/26M-PI (N
DM: BY-DM1222/26M-PI (NO
HRCH Cavern Sizzlin Bacon HRCH Kj Just Buck MHR
Hips: BY-2853G61M-VPI. Good
PennHip: DI-R .40 DI-L .44
Eyes: BY-EYE217/25M-VPI
Patella: BY-PA194
Heart: BY-CA819
HR Brier Creek's Sucre Roux NR UN GDN SH WDX
Elbows: BY-EL452F32-VPI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE484/19F-PI (Normal)
Patella: BY-PA505/32F/P-VPI (Normal)
Heart: BY-CA1181/19F/C-VPI (Normal)
CEA: BY-CEA52/11F-PI (Nor
DM: BY-DM49/11F-PI (Norm
EIC: BY-EIC131/11F-PI-CAR (Carrier)
Cavern Piper Picked A Pepper HRCH Creekside’s Locked&loaded “colt”
Hips: BY-3232E29M-VPI (Excellent)
Elbows: BY-EL746M29-VPI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE831/13M-VPI (Normal)

Patella: BY-PA934/29M/P-VPI (Normal)
Heart: BY-ACA136/13M-VPI (Normal)
Cavern Piper Picked A Peck
Hips: BY-3000F24F-VPI (fair)
Eyes: BY-EYE913/24F-VPI (normal)
Patella: BY-PA705/24F/P-VPI (normal)
Heart: BY-CA1431/24F/P-VPI (normal)
CEA: BY-CEA395/20F-PI (no
DM: BY-DM402/20F-PI (nor
EIC: BY-EIC468/20F-PI (clear)
Cavern Caramel Latte
Hips: BY-4185G26F-C-VPI (Good)
Eyes: BY-EYE1451/6F-VPI (normal)
Patella: BY-PA1744/26F/P-VPI(normal)
Heart: BY-BCA603/26F/P-VPI(normal)
CEA: BY-CEA873/13F-PI (no
DM: BY-DM892/13F-PI (nor
EIC: BY-EIC951/13F-PI(normal)
HRCH Pupalicious Baby Dog
Hips: BY-3227E43M-VPI (Excellent)
Elbows: BY-EL743M43-VPI (Normal)
Patella: BY-PA1097/54M/P-VPI (Norma)
Heart: B-CA1731/54MC-PI (Normal)
Eyes: BY-EYE1232/53M-VPI (Normal)
Show-Me Leo
Hips: BY-1686E
Heart: BY-CA505
Eyes: BYS-1076
Show-Me Chocolate Delight
Hips: BY-1920Gesid
Heart: BY-CA909/57F/C-NOPI
Eyes: BY-EYE208/57F-NOPI
Cavern Caramel Cappuccino Red Creek Smoke
Hips: BY-2203G24M-NOPI
Red Creek Cricket
Hips: BY-2156F24F-VPI

Sire Picture: Dam Picture
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