HALF Siblings by sire Mossy Oak's Cutty
Big Sky's Kalispell Kate
Boulder Brook's Jasmine
Hips: BY-1057F27F-VPI Eyes: BYS-587 Patella: BY-PA45/77F/P-VPI Heart: BY-CA171/27F/C-VPI
HR Brandywine's 12 Guage
Hips: BY-1414F33M
Brandywine's Bessie's Boy Jack
Hips: BY-1519G25M-VPI
HRCH Brandywine's Duramizer Chip UNCH09
Hips: BY-1504G24M-VPI Eyes: BYS-846N Heart: BY-CA389/24M/P-VPI EIC: BY-EIC36/40M-VPI
Brandywine's Fly Away Molly
Hips: BY-1570F27F-VPI Heart: BY-CA408/27F/P-VPI
SHR Brandywine's Hokey Smokes "Okey"
Hips: BY-1352G-25M Eyes: BYS-765N
Brandywine's Judith Gap Jess
Hips: BY-1356G24M-PI Eyes: BYS-722
HR Brandywine's Lady Petunia
Hips: BY-1345G26F-PI Eyes: BYS-968
HRCH UH Brandywines Browning Citori Feather OCH12 UOCH14
Hips: BY-1355G Eyes: BYS-766N Heart: BY-CA287
HRCH UH Brandywines Chocolate Covered Cherry UICH07 ICH09
Hips: BY-1256G24F-VPI (GOOD) Eyes: BYS-673 Heart: BY-CA285/32F/P-VPI (NORMAL) EIC: BY-EIC33/65F-VPI (normal)
UH Brandywines Dreamin Of The Sunrise
Hips: BY-1517G
Brandywines Good Sport
Hips: BY-1236G24M-PI
Brandywines Gypsy Rose
Hips: BY-1254G26F-PI Eyes: BYS-772
Brandywines Maggie
Hips: BY-1166G25F-NOPI
HRCH UH Brandywines Mighty Duramax
Hips: BY-1149E24M-PI (EXCELLENT) Eyes: BYS-578 Heart: BY-CA284/43M/P-PI (NORMAL)
Brandywines Northern Belle
Hips: BY-1306E24F-VPI Eyes: BYS-879
HR Brandywines Rich & Smooth Amberbock PCH08
Hips: BY-1526G24F-NOPI Eyes: BYS-1005
Brandywines Rich And Smooth Amber Rock
HRCH UH Brandywines Till The Next Time
Hips: BY-1505G-24F Eyes: BYS-844N Heart: BY-CA388 EIC: BY-EIC37
Carolina Magic Heidi
Eyes: BYS-520N Heart: BY-CA261/39F/C-NOPI
Ceasarcreek Stormin Hanna
Hips: BY-658G25F-NOPI (Good)
Goose Creek Patrick
Hips: BY-1214G32M-NOPI
Linda's Earnest Tee Of Mossy Oak
Hips: BY-1135G24M-NOPI (GOOD) Eyes: BYS-560N Heart: BY-CA150/13M/P-NOPI (NORMAL)
Linda's Ernest Tee Of Mossy Oak
Hips: BY-1135G24M-NOPI Eyes: BYS-560 Patella: BY-PA128/105M/P-VPI Heart: BY-CA150/13M/P-NOPI EIC: BY-EIC60/105M-VPI Normal
Mossy Oaks Bristol Rae
Hips: BY-859E26F-PI
Mossy Oaks Gauge
Patella: BY-PA1/13M/P-NOPI Heart: BY-CA68/13M/P-NOPI
HRCH UH Oyster Creek's Pistol Peat UOCH06, UO
Hips: BY-837G24M-PI (Good) Eyes: BY-482 Heart: BY-CA62/17M/S-PI (No
Roxanne Of Mossy Oak
Hips: BY-604G30F-PI
Russel Lake Jake
Hips: BY-710F36M-PI
HALF Siblings out of Dam SM GC SHR Brandywines Northern Dixie
HRCH UH Brandywine's Sweet Madeline MHR OCH17, 19
HRCH UH Brandywines Front Paige News
Hips: BY-1647G24F-VPI (GOOD) Eyes: BYS-900N Heart: BY-CA371/12F/C-NOPI (NORMAL) EIC: BY-EIC35/31F-VPI
HR Brandywines Special Edition ICH11
Hips: BY-1668G26F-VPI