Genetic Pedigree of Brandywines Chuck It / Genetic Pedigree of Brandywines Chuck It

HRCH Brandywines Summer Shandy-Leine MHR

Hips: BY-2485G24M-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE138/3M-NOPI
GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MH MHR OCH10, 14
Elbows: BY-EL64M41-VPI
Eyes: BYS-782
EIC: Clear
Sand Creek Scooby
Rhino Jake
Miss Snicker
  Sand Creek Dixie
Scape'Ore Rocky
Scape'Ore Tara
HRCH Lexie Lue Campbell
Hips: BY-2048G34F-PI (Good)
  Good Ole Deets
Rainbow's Milo
Hips: BY-696G24M-PI (GOOD)
Jasmine Of Rainbow
Hips: BY-892F33F-PI (FAIR)
Rhett's Roanoke Romi
Mossy Oak's Rhett
Hips: BY-576G24M
Eyes: BYS-298
Lake Gaston's Sadie Belle
Hips: BY-758G24F-NOPI
Elbows: BY-EL11F26-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-388

Brandywines Rocky Mnt Agatha

HRCH UH Master Maximus Of The Cooper MH SHR NCH10 UICH14
Hips: BY-1523G27M-VPI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL59M27-VPI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-897 (CLEAR)
Mr. Bojangles
Waccamaw River's 12 Guage
Blair's Southern Belle
Princess Zoe By The Creek
Goose Pond Tinker
Hips: BY-788-G (GOOD)
Eyes: BY-781N (CLEAR)
SHR Chelsea By The Sea
Eyes: BYS-399N (CLEAR)
Brandywines Rich And Smooth Amber Rock
Mossy Oak's Cutty
Hips: BY-517G25M (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-256
Hips: BY-359F24M (Fair)
Eyes: BYS-164
Mossy Oak Hannah
Hips: BY-384G24F (Good)
Eyes: BYS-297
WC NC SM LC Big Sky's Bessie Wayne
Hips: BY-773F24F-PI(FAIR)
Eyes: BYS-455
EIC: BY-EIC32/115F-VPI (normal)
Big Sky Bowdoins Chip
Betsy Montana

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin Pedigree database is shown.