Genetic Pedigree of Samuel Wolfe / Genetic Pedigree of Samuel Wolfe

HRCH UH Mitchell's Mighty Chief Moose (OR) (DkCHOC)

Hips: BY-2381G24M-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL265M24-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE283/22M-VPI
EIC: Clear by parents
HRCH Mitchell's Mighty Maxamillion PCH10
Hips: BY-1796G25M-VPI
Eyes: BYS-1016N/2010-10
EIC: 51073 Clear
Good Ole Deets
Rainbow's Milo
Hips: BY-696G24M-PI (GOOD)
Jasmine Of Rainbow
Hips: BY-892F33F-PI (FAIR)
  Rhett's Roanoke Romi
Mossy Oak's Rhett
Hips: BY-576G24M
Eyes: BYS-298
Lake Gaston's Sadie Belle
Hips: BY-758G24F-NOPI
Elbows: BY-EL11F26-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-388
SHR Mitchell's Chief Santee Princess
Hips: BY-2027F25F-VPI
Eyes: BYS-379569
 GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MH MHR OCH10, 14
Elbows: BY-EL64M41-VPI
Eyes: BYS-782
EIC: Clear
Sand Creek Scooby
Sand Creek Dixie
HR Bryan's Santee Delta Sunrise ICH10
Hips: BY-1701G
Lock Haven's Boss Man
Lady Thelma Parker
Hips: BY-1449G

Southern Side Ginger

Red Creek Little Pal
Green Acres Colonial Lee
Hips: BY-2089G24M-PI
Eyes: BY-EYE340/49M-VPI
Colonial Lake
Hips: BY-1510G26M-VPI
Colonial Tootsie
Hips: BY-1715G24F-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-1022
Green Acres Annie
Hips: BY-1967G28F-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE336/62F-VPI
CH SHR Jake's Tugtown Edisto
Hips: BY-742G
Eyes: BYS-590
Mattie Sue Hobson
Eyes: BYS-941
Pickens’ Indubitable Princess
Hips: BY-1795G25M-NOPI
Eyes: BYS-350596
HRCH UH Jeff's True Luck Tucker PCH07
Hips: BY-1353G24M-PI (GOOD)
Eyes: BYS-777 TESTED 07,10,11
Peach Ridge Meg
Eyes: BYS-904N
Zorelda James Dream Chaser
Hips: BY-1816G24F-PI
Eyes: BYS-352079
Linda's Storm Chaser
Hips: BY-1321G
Eyes: BY-EYE20
Anna Belle
Hips: BY-1315G25F-PI

Please Note: only information that has been entered into the Hunting Boykin Pedigree database is shown.