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  Heath x Reba (due early April)

Updated: 2/22/2025

Litter Announcement:
Heath x Reba (due early April)
Location: North Carolina


Contact information
Owner: Michael Parker
*Price: Please call for Prices OR see below Phone: 704-657-3777
*Please note: some litter owners may have different Email: info@backcreekkennel.com
prices based on color or sex, please read below Website:www.backcreekkennel.com/

Other Information about litter:
Reba has been here at Back Creek for six years and is a pheasant's worst nightmare. She loves hunting the wily rooster with a passion and never seems to tire. She is also a great dove dog and has picked up many a limit for me over the years. She comes from a long line of accomplished field and Hunt Test dogs including some of the most decorated dogs in the Boykin Spaniel breed (see pedigree link), has good hips and eyes, and is clear of all the genetic abnormality testing as recommended by the Boykin Spaniel Society.

Heath is a beautiful liver colored Boykin that exemplifies all the desired physical traits you would want in a Boykin Spaniel. With excellent retrieving desire, Health also has a pedigree littered with accomplished field and Hunt Test lineage. Health also boasts extensive health and genetic testing as he is also clear of the health and genetic testing recommended by the Boykin Spaniel Society.

If you are looking for a quality field or Hunt Test breeding from genetically strong parents, this litter should pique your interest. Feel free to call, text, or email me if you would like more information. Deposits are currently being accepted for this breeding. I will be publishing additional information as it becomes available. Back Creek Kennel is recognized as a Silver Level Breeder by the Boykin Spaniel Society.


Pedigree:    NEW: View 5 Generation Pedigree
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Heath x Reba (due early April) Show Me Catalpa Heath Bar
Hips: BY-4375F24M
Elbows: BY-EL1577M24
Eyes: BY-EYE1815/17M
Patella: BY-PA1720/17M
Heart: BY-BCA615/17M
DM: BY-DM939/4M (Clear)
EIC: BY-EIC999/4M (Clear)
Thornhill's Sam Colt Ferguson
Hips: BY-3608G28M-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL978M28-VPI
Patella: BY-PA1239/28M/P-VPI
Heart: BY-BCA74/28M/P-VPI
HRCH Thornhills Broad River Buddy Boy
Eyes: BY-EYE424/22M-VPI
Patella: BY-PA567/25M/P-VPI
HR Thornhills Surfer Girl SHR
Hips: BY-2709E40F-VPI
Elbows: BY-E
Eyes: BY-EYE185/9F-NOPI
CEA: BY-CEA482/43F-Pl
DM: BY-DM495/43F-PI
Catalpa Acres Pain In The Arse Pocotaligo's Go Big Red MHA
Hips: BY-2402G35M-VPI
SHR Dogwoods Jenny At Catalpa Acres CGC
Hips: BY-1890F36F-PI HIPS
Eyes: BY-EYE86/57F-VPI
Patella: BY-PA178/57F/P-VPI
Heart: BY-CA664/13F/S-VPI
Back Creek's Country Girl
Hips: BY-3555G32F-VPI
Elbows: BY-EL942F32-VPI
Eyes: BY-EYE1176/19F-NOPI
Patella: BY-PA1982/71F/P-PI
Heart: BY-BCA71/33F/C-PI
DM: BY-DM850/34F-PI
HRCH CH St. Thomas Justanislandboy MHR CGC
Hips: BY-2008G24M-PI (GOOD)
Elbows: BY-EL122M24-PI (NORMAL)
Patella: BY-PA120/27M/P-PI (NORMAL)
Heart: BY-CA696/17M/C-PI (NORMAL)
CEA: Clear
DM: Clear
Eyes: BYS-373400 (CLEAR)
GRHRCH UH Saint Thomas Chief MH MHR OCH10, 14
Elbows: BY-EL64M41-VPI
Heart: BY-CA247/12M/C-VPI
DM: BY-DM377/52M-PI
Eyes: BYS-782
EIC: Clear
Hips: BY-1446E24F-PI (EXCELLENT)esid
Heart: BY-CA352/24F/P-PI (NORMAL)
Eyes: BYS-862 (CLEAR)
Back Creek's Nicki
Hips: BY-1926G25F-NOPI (Good)
Heart: BY-CA620/23F/C-NOPI
DM: BY-DM185/77F-PI
Eyes: BYS-362126
EIC: BY-EIC259/26F-PI Clear
Basinger's Fenway Sox
Basinger's Georgia Ruth

Sire Picture: Dam Picture
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